Friday, April 29, 2011

Uncle Carl Tributes I lost my best friend today... My Uncle, My Pastor, My Rock... but he will be there at the Heavenly Royal Wedding.... I will see you soon!! All my love, Your Niece Lisa

Lisa Anne Kelley Peter if it brings you any comfort. Hutch just had like a seven week revival, lots of souls saved, Aunt Sandy turned 70 on the 27th. Pastor just baptized his granddaughter Antonia, and had a good time camping with the men from his church. stuff he loved and held dear to his heart. I will miss my dear Uncle, but I know I will see Him in Heaven soon. keep the church family in your prayers. ~ Lisa

Kevin N Raquel
Praying for y'all. He was able to see all his grandchildren saved and baptized in Jesus name. We love y'all and will continue to pray for each of you and that God will comfort all of you.
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
The more we give of self, the more we grow in soul.

Royal Wedding

I am awake early this morning, excited about the Royal Wedding and celebrating with shortbread and nutella and a mug of tea. I didn't dress for the occasion and missed out on an opportunity to send a video greeting to the lovely couple, Heirs of King David of whom His Kingdom will have no end.

the guests to the royal wedding were sent a 22 page ediquette booklet suggesting a hat, but some did not wear one including the Prime Minister's wife. The Prime Minister did follow the ediquette suggestion of wearing a morning suit and looked very proper and handsome.

- thinking about the Royal wedding where the church will be the bride and Jesus the bridegroom of the wedding of the ages. - our ediquette book for this occasion is the Holy Bible. - so looking forward to that event!!

Lady Bannie Tippi Haute of Krumbarr aka Lisa Anne StarOfSong

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Melanie Clarissa Peter
Perseverance is that thing you got when will-power has blown it's fuse.
Subversive Stitchers: Women Armed with Needles
‎" A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." --Mignon McLaughlin

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

this is fun!!

Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
‎"In honor of the royal wedding Fri., use your royal name. Start with either Lord or Lady. Your first name is one of your grandparents' names. Your surname is the name of your 1st pet, double-barreled with the name of the street on which you grew up. Post yours here. Then cut/paste it into your status."
From: Lady Bannie Tipi Haute of Krumbarr Street......otherwise known as Lisa Anne

Nadeen Pagano Lady Katie Peanut Tuley

Autumn Hensley Lady Ruby Blue of Old Jackson Rd.

Kate Hollifield Lady Maude Barney-Beech

Sarah Simmons Collins Lady Mildred Rusty the Twelfth
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
I am convinced that the thunder is the angels in Heaven dancing on the grave of my enemy!!! TYJ
Country Woman Magazine
A man walked into a diner and sat at the counter. As he was about to reach into the pretzel bowl, he heard a voice say, “Nice haircut!” Startled, he said to the waitress. “I just heard this strange voice!”
“Pay no attention,” she told him. “That’s just the pretzels. They’re complimentary.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
today we were supposed to get storms.... my husband and I had prayer together that God would keep us safe. later he commented "we didn't even get a drop of rain" and I am like "duh, we prayed didn't we? So glad God did hear our prayers. I am not faulting hubby, I have been guilty of the same thing. we pray and then seem surprized when God answers.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
I know God already has it covered, but I wouldn't be opposed to all the Christians lining up and taking a turn at the whip of nine tails on Satan's back before Jesus chains him up and casts him into outer darkness.
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
Satan, what did you miss at Calvary? Did you not hear "Game over" you lose!! "It is finished!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dear God, I know You really really really Love us, or You would have never robed Yourself in flesh and went through what You did for us. You are God and You could have just done away with mankind and just started all over with a new slate. But no, You chose to spare us and let us be the ones with a new slate. Thank YOU!!

This is what I posted on Good Friday.
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Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
On this "Earth Day", all I can think about is Heaven and the price Jesus paid for me on Calvary so I can get there. TYJ!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

the Cross = Jesus is preparing a Spot for the Spotted to become Spotless.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Karen Hendrix Davis
Daily I devote my life to Christ, and daily I have to run to HIS mercy seat... I'm FAR from being the Child of God I want to be, but, I'm a long way from the sinful one I once was. It's the Blood of Jesus that continually gives me the Hope & Faith to continue on... Trusting in His Word! Love in Christ!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mary Odum Hudson
‎"Be somebody YOU would be proud to know."
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
I don't want the world, or any of its corruption. All I want is more of God, more of His goodness, His grace to surround me, His love to enfold me and for me to hold on to the HOPE that His Word unfolds to me.

Holy Week - day 1

today at Holy Week we learned lots, including that Heaven will be more than streets of Gold and mansions and rivers of chocolate and chubby cheeked cherubs. That in heaven we won't care if we have a shack or any of those things we sing about. Heaven will be being in God's presence. The opposite of that will be Hell, not being in God's presence. like calling your spouse and they won't answer the phone.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tara Sophia Pari Fowler
‎~And the greatest commandment is LOVE♥
Bishop Wayne Pugh
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather, who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
when I was a kid I had the best parents anyone could ever want... momma didn't have to ask me to help clean the house and make my bed, I knew better than to talk back, cause then I would have to go break a switch off the tree and wear the evidence of that on my legs for a week. Dresses didn't protect from switch lashings.

Lisa Anne Kelley Peter Teachers would whisper about me behind my back because I'd wear my Pentecostal hairdo to school and I think they were jealous. :> - I got a excused from PE note from my pastor because I didn't dress out in shorts or pants, the PE teacher did compromise and allow me to wear culottes that looked like a skirt. I didn't care. I could've written the book "The Girl In The Dress".
Dottie Rambo
‎"We’re that generation to witness restoration. Divided walls have crumbled, prisoners are stet free. We’ve blown the silver trumpet, raised the flag of glory. We’re basking in the latter rain; under one flag – under one Name. Our Goals have all become the same: to sound the alarm and usher in the King.” – Dottie Rambo

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Renee J Maness
‎"The worst thing that happens to a man can be the best thing that happens. If it don't get the best of him." We walk by faith.....not by sight.
it won't be over till the man in the middle is the one I see in the mirror

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Reatha Reeves Boyd
The greatest things in Life aren't things...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
who says I can't pray for my future son in laws and grandchildren before they are manifested? prayers go before the throne night and day and though I won't have a say in the matter, God will and that's all that matters.
12 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·
Dana Munson
Borrowed from James D Mullins
My doctor asked if any members of my family suffered from insanity, I replied, no, we all seem to enjoy it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
who says I can't pray for my future son in laws and grandchildren before they are manifested? prayers go before the throne night and day and though I won't have a say in the matter, God will and that's all that matters.
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
I don't think that song is true... that God would bankrupt heaven to meet my need. I think God would just perform "need surgery". :>
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
There is something to be said of Forgiveness. I think that is one of life's sweetest words. Forgiveness, Mercy, Love and Grace. those have got to be the top four.
Mary Odum Hudson
If your actions inspire others to dream more,
learn more, do more and become more,
you are a leader.
John Quincy Adams
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
The only business transaction you should do on a Sunday is that which involves the transition of your destiny. From earth to Glory!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Melanie Clarissa Peter
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Terri R. Wachtstetter
‎"Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life." Leo Buscaglia

Friday, April 8, 2011

Brenda Hatridge
Nor is there any such thing as a brown church, a red church , black church white church or any other color church.
45 minutes ago ·LikeUnlike · Shirley Brown Jenkins likes this.
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter there is a white house and a green house. A bird house and an out house. But as for churches, they all better be God's house. :>

Brenda Hatridge
Appreciate all that you do Sis, Lord, bless you for making me smile
Orva O. Beechy
When I was a kid I didn't have a computer, cell phone, Nintendo DS, XBox, or Wii. I had a bike, ball & bat, and my imagination. If I didn't eat what was made, I didn't eat. And I dealt with it. I didn't think of telling my parents "no" or dare to talk back and if i did i got in BIG TROUBLE. Life wasn't hard, it was life.. And I survived. Repost if you appreciate the way you were raised. Thanks Mom and Dad!


Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
When I was a kid I didn't have a computer, cell phone, Nintendo DS, XBox, or Wii. I had a bike, books, & my imagination. Never had brand name clothes or kept up with the "Jones's" I didn't think of telling my parents "no" or dare to talk back & if I did I got the switch. Went to church every time the doors were opened even if it meant every night for a 12 week revival. Life wasn't hard, it was life.. And I survived.
3 minutes ago ·LikeUnlike · Teresa Ogle likes this.
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter Repost if you appreciate the way you were raised. Thanks Mom and Dad!
3 minutes ago · LikeUnlikeBetty Strawcutter Ditto, ditto, was life and I flourished.
April Mitchem
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. -Audrey Hepburn
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Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
I pray about EVERYTHING! Why worry, why stress when the One who knows and controls it all Knows Best!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Omega Bowman Turpin
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.......
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” (William Wadsworth h bd!!)
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
Well Done God!! I know I want to hear You say "Well Done" to me, but I never want to fail to say "Well Done" to You each and every day!! my my my, How GREAT is Our God!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

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Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
Circumstances may change the situation, but external occurrences should never be able to alter the true Character of a man.
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
This morning as I was sweeping the leaves and "worms" off my porch I was telling God that I wanted to make it a place He would want to visit, and then I said scratch that, I want it to be a place You live at. Not just an occasional visit now and then. Amen and Amen!! I do believe He lives here.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
My networth, is worth about a net. But that's okay, with Jesus, I am sure my net might break because it get's full of so many fishes.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

This is good.

God doesn’t comfort us to make us comfortable. God comforts us to make us comfort-able. Able to comfort others with the same comfort we’ve received from Him. ~ Andrea Holland

Friday, April 1, 2011

Marilyn Kelley
Has been asked to do the impossible.....lie to spare feelings or tell the truth and hurt someone.....either way, not good.