Wednesday, August 8, 2012

When you hear the voice of God and He gives you the reassurance to "just tell them you are working for Me" there is nothing like it and it puts wings of confidence to do the call. TYJ
You all use WD~40 but do you know what WD-40 stands for? I ran across it in the readers digest extraordinary uses for ordinary things manual last night. Water Displacement- 40th try! Wow that preaches!!! Never give up!!!!!! Keep trying!!! Keep praying!!! Keep believing!!! 4 August via Mobile Wow, reading facebook posts after an awesome Holy Ghost prayer meeting! At every prayer need I put my finger on it and pray in Jesus' Name and feel the unction of the power aka virtue leaving my body! Oh there's nothing like the power of prayer and knowing the answer is already on its way even before we can finish asking!!! I am so hyped up and excited about church tomorrow too!!! TYJ 4 August via Mobile Jesus doesn't look at the Name of your church building all He wants to know is... Is My House A House of Prayer!!!! Intercessory prayer, prayer of faith, fervent prayer, unwavering belief, praying in the Holy Ghost, groanings and travailing, supplication, expectancy, childlike faith, ask, knock, seek... Push pray until something happens! Revival, on fire, Apostolic, humble, persistent, patient, faithful!!
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter 26 July Have you thought about Patience? Job learned patience pays off. We have to run the race with patience. and even the souls under the altar are crying "How long now Lord". I always heard ' don't pray for patience". just some thoughts.... lp
27 July If I ever open a diner it will be called the Cracker Box... I will feature a variety of homemade crackers from cheese crackers, to multi grain crackers, grahmn crackers, cracker jack popcorn, party crackers filled with all sorts of goodies for the kids, soups, and dips. don't steal this, it is my original idea. ~lpLisa Anne Kelley Peter 27 July if I ever open a coffee shop it will be called " the above ground, drive around". fresh ground coffees at a drive through type coffee shop. don't steal this, it is my original idea ! lp (it could even be one of those mobile type restraunts on wheels). Lisa Anne Kelley Peter 27 July via Mobile In spite of finding favor with all the people opposition will come.., ask the Apostles and the Early Church... Still they pressed toward the mark. Lisa Anne Kelley Peter 31 July road trip to and from Springfield has left me marveling at the mercies of God. His protecting hand, the perfect weather, the beautiful scenery, the gas stations with nice restrooms that appeared out of no where just when I prayed for them. The nice people who kindly gave me directions when I stopped to ask and both times i was just a few blocks away from my destination. The dollar I found. The ...wonderful time spent with my daughters and two grandsons. The great music stations I found in Van Buren MO. The great food at a reasonable price at Hemingways at Bass Pro Shop in Springfield.. the great time of prayer and praise and worship while singing without abandon while enjoying the cruise control and almost too cold AC... but oh, it feels so good to be home.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I know this is neither here nor there but just something that seems incredible to me. After I graduated from HS in 1981 I had wanted to go to Bible School but my mother had an alternative suggestion for me.. what if I went to help out my Aunt and Uncle in their church in Hutchinson KS? so that is what I did. in 2008 my daughter Melanie graduated HS and we suggested to her, why don't you let us take you to Pueblo Colorado to help out Uncle Paul in his church there? I got a job working with the deaf. Melanie just got a job working with the deaf... there really is something to this Passing the Torch thing. I believe that there is such a thing as generational blessing. God is sooo good.

Why stand ye here gazing??.... THIS Same Jesus that you seen taken up into Heaven shall Come again in like manner... and when the day of Pentecost was fully come, there CAME a sound from Heaven as of a mighty rushing wind and it sat upon each of them... This same Jesus!!! He said, lo I am with you, but i shall be in you. Hallelujah!!! Have you received the Power since you believed??

It is not man's verbal applause that we should pursue nor base our conduct upon. But lauded praise from the Lawd Almighty when He entrusts us to deliver to others the truth of the Pearl of Great Price! When we obey Him we know we have found favor and that the Bread that we cast upon the waters will not return to us void! Thank you Mark for obeying the Lord yesterday!

Don't envy me of my life, successes, accomplishments, family, positions, occupations, goals, values, attributes or desires I am just a sojourner and a stranger, I am just passing through, and all God has loaned me I share it all with you.

working on something today that I believe is from the Lord. As a One God Pentecostal it is very important to me that the Bible be living in me and through me. I want Christ to be in me and to shine through me. For everything that God has, the devil has a counterfeit. Jesus is the Everlasting Father robed in flesh. The devil is the father of lies, Jesus is the Son of the living God and the son of man, the devil is the son of perdition, Jesus is the Holy Ghost (the spirit of the deceased One), the devil is the spirit of division, confusion, enmity, strife. I am so glad that I know who Jesus is.
on my arts an entertainment page, someone had asked for us to post what inspires us. this is what I wrote. my husband inspires me. He works in a jail amongst all sorts of spirits and adversity, comes home on Thursday's to climb into his pickup and go pick up smelly stinky, maggoty trash as a service to those outside of city pickup in our county. jobs that not many would do, and yet he does it because he loves me and he loves God and he enjoys helping people. What a light in the night he is and I know I used to take him for granted but now I see the real man that he is and I want to be a better wife, better person because of him. - I want to be a woman of Grace and Beauty because of Timothy Mark Peter and I when I close my eyes and think about Jesus, the face that I see smiling back at me doesn't look like those paintings of Jesus we see at church and other places. But the face that I see well it looks like Mark because Jesus lives in him and through him. TYJ for my husband. Like · · Share Kathy Mccoy, Patricia Stevens and 7 others like this. Timothy Mark Peter You got me:)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

my heritage

Thankful today that I had a mommy and a daddy. That i grew up in a Christ centered home. That I was taught morals and how we were a tight, close knitted united family. And we all still love and respect that awesome heritage today! Daddy fell in love with momma, momma fell in love with daddy, and I am here to prove their love.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

so glad my girls really love and admire each other... this post made my day.

Melanie Clarissa Peter I love you. Not just because you're my sister. Not just because you have a heart of gold. Not just because your sensitive and you remember the small things. I love you because you're real. You're genuine. You're beautiful from within. You're cautious, always thinking ahead....mature beyond your years. My dear sister, God has you firmly in his arms... He knows your needs and he'll provide!! Thanks for being my sissy, my best friend. i ♥ you! Like · · See friendship · 2 May at 12:39 near Pueblo, CO · Marisa Peter Swartzentruber, Barbara Williams, Amber Krehbiel and 2 others like this. Melissa Peter Mel I needed to hear that more then you will ever know. I love you so much!!!!!!! Thank you! 2 May at 18:34 via Mobile · Like

Friday, May 4, 2012

Word from the LORD... a great assurance

it took God just a week to create EVERYTHING, so hey, when your plans go array just turn it over to HIM and let Him work it out. nothing is too hard for Him!

from Melanie Clarissa Peter, May 3rd...

You're my favortiest Mommy. Ever. Happy Mother's Month. We don't just celebrate for a day... It's almost like Christmas....:) You're amazing. I love you very very very much!!!

May 1, 2012 post lp

You can't see spirits... you can feel them but you can't see them. God is a spirit, the Holy Ghost is a spirit... Jesus - in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Oh I want to see Him!! - God robed Himself in flesh (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost is the spirit of the deceased One.. who died? who died and rose again? JESUS

April 30th post

the Psalmist David talked about the Acts of God, there is a whole book in the New Testament about the ACTS of the Apostles. I don't understand why there are some people who don't think we have to do anything. Acts are Actions, Works are Actions.....

Sunday, April 22, 2012

ok, so I go to the Nursing Home and only one person is in the dining room waiting for me to sing and so I go hunt up some of the faithful. Mr. and Mrs. Dotson are in her room and he is like "we will be down in a few minutes" and so I go set up the mics and everything. a little later he comes in and says that the nurses came to check on Mrs. Dotson and that she wasn't doing well and so they had already sent for the ambulance. I follow Mr. Dotson back to the room and nurses are around the bed and changing Mrs. Dotson so I give them privacy and ask Mr. Dotson for his hand and I pray with him for him and for Mrs. Dotson in the hallway. You could just see the worry and fear in Mr. Dotson's eyes. that is the love of his life, his sweet friend and companion. so... all we can do is pray. I went back to the dining room and played and sang knowing they could hear me from their room, Sweet Beulah land is her favorite song so I made sure I sang that before the ambulance got her. after my hour of singing I went back to Mrs. Dotson's room to see if she had left and she had and her roommate Mrs. Faye J. spoke up " are you Lisa? and I said yes. She said "you are Pentecostal aren't you?" and I told her I was and then we had a good long chat about the goodness of Jesus. My prayer is that I be the person God needs me to be, the prayer warrior, the friend, the true worshipper that lifts up the Name of Jesus wherever I can and however I can. TYJ..... Like · · Share Boyce Greene, Dana Marie Cox and 31 others like this. Dwanna Ray Totally Awesome!! Yesterday at 16:02 via Mobile · Like · 1 Joyce Waddell what a great testimony Lisa I know God was very proud of you today where do you go to church Yesterday at 19:06 · Unlike · 2 Dana Munson Lisa...your "mission field" and "audience" may be small on occasion, but your MISSION is God appointed and your reward is eternal and priceless! 12 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

on Farrah Easter's page yesterday... beautiful.

Today officially marks 21 years of adoption.
The fingerprints of God are evident in my family is proof.
So blessed. So thankful. So overwhelmed.
I was more than just "expected." I was hand-selected!

"I am not born of my mother. I don't have my daddy's eyes. No one looks like me. People are often surprised. I think we're a happier family than if we were kings & queens. We're so lucky to have each other. THAT'S what being adopted means."

Blood is not always thicker than water...but then again, every one of us will tell you, "We ARE blood!"
Happy 21st Adoption Birthday to MEEEEEEEEE!!!
Brenda Gann Easter Danny Easter Gabe Easter Allison Easter Barlar Andrea Pope
I can't do anything without You, I don't know anything without You and I know no bounderies but what You have set and only by my God can I run through a troop and leap over a wall! By Your grace I can do whatever You want!~lp

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

dad and mom I love you arrow sefo connomini, connolong, longton, ugar, beni beni, benijar, womanarrow, watcher (probably not spelled right, but counting to ten in Cherokee).

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Lisa Anne Kelley Peter
24 January
(song) - we've all been hurt before.. sometimes we don't think we can take anymore... oh when our heart feels like it's been pierced through with a knife...and it hurts so bad inside... I know the heartmender. etc.. LP

Lisa Peter Arts and Entertainment
My guitar student didn't bring a guitar pick and I asked him why and he said he lost it. I said if your toothbrush broke would you just not brush your teeth? and he said "no". I said "well you need a pick and I don't mean a tooth pick either.. " lol
Like · · Share · Thursday at 17:44

Lisa Peter Arts and Entertainment
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm. As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

Lisa Peter Arts and Entertainment
‎(song).. Lord, I want things to go Your way, in Your plan, through me today... wont You use this humble servant for You Lord. Let me be Your hands, Your feet, and my mouth, Your mouthpiece.. Lord, I long to be in Your perfect will.... etc. LP
Barbara Young
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hey sweetie I was just sitting here doing a bit of embroidery work and computer time this morning and I was thinking on the goodness of Jesus. When Israel kept on walking across the street to get to the car while we are yelling stop and how we were so blessed that a driver hadn't happened to be coming down the street at that time. things could have happed that fast. but God's mercy is everlasting and for that I am so so thankful. I am also remembering how you are teaching Israel memory verses - I love that.
Like · · See friendship · 10 hours ago ·
Lisa Anne Kelley Peter do you remember the motions I had you girls do to Deut. 22:5? "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth to a man (hand motion dividing the skirt), neither shall a man put on a womans garment (curtsey), for all that do so are abominat...
See more
10 hours ago · Like

Marisa Peter Swartzentruber Yes, in fact Pastor spoke of the verse last night. I remembered that as he was speaking about it. Thank you for teaching us the Word of God. A lady in the church after service asked me if I know where that scripture was found because she didn't catch in the message. I am thankful that you taught us that so I could tell her exactly where it was found without a problem.
Just to give You glory, just to tell the story, tell of Your love, tell of Your grace, just to lift Your Name , lift it higher, just to give you glory, is my desire. - Sharon Walker and the praise team, church Wed night 1/11/2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Shannon Chris McCoy
Student: I was born in California
Teacher: Really? Which part?
Student: All of me! ;P

Monday, January 9, 2012

"Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance." --Author Unknown.