Sunday, April 22, 2012

ok, so I go to the Nursing Home and only one person is in the dining room waiting for me to sing and so I go hunt up some of the faithful. Mr. and Mrs. Dotson are in her room and he is like "we will be down in a few minutes" and so I go set up the mics and everything. a little later he comes in and says that the nurses came to check on Mrs. Dotson and that she wasn't doing well and so they had already sent for the ambulance. I follow Mr. Dotson back to the room and nurses are around the bed and changing Mrs. Dotson so I give them privacy and ask Mr. Dotson for his hand and I pray with him for him and for Mrs. Dotson in the hallway. You could just see the worry and fear in Mr. Dotson's eyes. that is the love of his life, his sweet friend and companion. so... all we can do is pray. I went back to the dining room and played and sang knowing they could hear me from their room, Sweet Beulah land is her favorite song so I made sure I sang that before the ambulance got her. after my hour of singing I went back to Mrs. Dotson's room to see if she had left and she had and her roommate Mrs. Faye J. spoke up " are you Lisa? and I said yes. She said "you are Pentecostal aren't you?" and I told her I was and then we had a good long chat about the goodness of Jesus. My prayer is that I be the person God needs me to be, the prayer warrior, the friend, the true worshipper that lifts up the Name of Jesus wherever I can and however I can. TYJ..... Like · · Share Boyce Greene, Dana Marie Cox and 31 others like this. Dwanna Ray Totally Awesome!! Yesterday at 16:02 via Mobile · Like · 1 Joyce Waddell what a great testimony Lisa I know God was very proud of you today where do you go to church Yesterday at 19:06 · Unlike · 2 Dana Munson Lisa...your "mission field" and "audience" may be small on occasion, but your MISSION is God appointed and your reward is eternal and priceless! 12 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

on Farrah Easter's page yesterday... beautiful.

Today officially marks 21 years of adoption.
The fingerprints of God are evident in my family is proof.
So blessed. So thankful. So overwhelmed.
I was more than just "expected." I was hand-selected!

"I am not born of my mother. I don't have my daddy's eyes. No one looks like me. People are often surprised. I think we're a happier family than if we were kings & queens. We're so lucky to have each other. THAT'S what being adopted means."

Blood is not always thicker than water...but then again, every one of us will tell you, "We ARE blood!"
Happy 21st Adoption Birthday to MEEEEEEEEE!!!
Brenda Gann Easter Danny Easter Gabe Easter Allison Easter Barlar Andrea Pope
I can't do anything without You, I don't know anything without You and I know no bounderies but what You have set and only by my God can I run through a troop and leap over a wall! By Your grace I can do whatever You want!~lp